Ocean Blog

High Surf Advisory Now in Effect For South-Facing Shores

The high surf warning that had been effect for south-facing shores of the Big Island was canceled; however, there still remains some threat.

Council to Consider Measure That Proposes to Prohibit Non-Mineral Sunscreen

A bill that would prohibit some types of sunscreen on the Big Island in an effort to help protect the environment, especially coral reefs, has garnered the support of hundreds.

Kahalu‘u Bay Named Mission Blue Hope Spot

Mission Blue, a marine conservation nonprofit that works to rally local and international support to preserve and protect marine ecosystems, has designated Kahalu‘u Bay in Kona as one of its Hope Spots. Kahalu‘u Bay is the 141st Hope Spot named by the organization worldwide and the second in Hawai‘i.

Outrigger Kona Resort and Spa to Host Free ‘Manta Talks’ Event

A Kona resort is partnering with a research organization to help protect a gentle ocean giant and is hosting an upcoming event for guests and anyone who wants to learn more.

UH: Mystery of Seafloor Metamorphosis Unlocked

A recently published study that was led by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa researchers has revealed the mysteries of metamorphosis on the seafloor.

Study: Earth Suffers ‘Ocean Amnesia’ Because of Global Warming

The ocean is suffering from “amnesia” because of climate change, according to a recently published study that was co-authored by a University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa professor.

New Report: Microbes Play Critical Role in Climate Change

A new report co-authored by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa oceanographer shows that microbes might be small, but they are highly impactful to environmental and human health amid a changing climate.

Reminder: Report Washed Up Marine Debris

Hawai‘i residents and visitors can help clean up the ocean and save marine life by making a simple phone call when they see debris washed up on the shoreline.

Delicate Balance of Coral Reef Processes Creates Management Challenges

Research by an international team, including members from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, shows there needs to be drastic changes made to the way coral reef restoration is approached.

Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration Efforts Improved Through Student Research

At least for one species, a study led by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa student researchers found that exposing coral larvae to warmer temperatures didn’t improve its survival later in its life.

Scientists Warn Too Many Unknowns For Deep-Sea Mining

New research, co-authored by oceanographers at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, warns there are too many unknowns for deep-sea mining.

Hawaiian Corals Show Surprising Resilience to Warming Oceans

A new study that included researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi is painting a more optimistic picture of how Hawaiian corals are faring in warmer, more acidic oceans.

Study: Predatory Phytoplankton Key to Understanding Ocean Ecosystem

A team of researchers led by two University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa oceanography professors has revealed that an array of phytoplankton is not just using the light from the sun.

Humpback Whale Sightings Counted From Big Island Shorelines

There definitely be humpback whales cruising in the waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands.

Understanding Coral Reef Connectivity Important to Focus Conservation Efforts

Local fisheries and their associated biodiversity benefit from the transfer of larvae between reefs, with some benefitting more than others, prompting recommendations to protect larval connectivity among coral reefs.

High Surf Advisory Extended for West-Facing Shores

The National Weather Service in Honolulu has extended a high surf advisory for west-facing shores of the Big Island.

High Surf Advisory for West-Facing Shores Goes Into Effect Wednesday Morning

A high surf advisory will go into effect Wednesday morning for west-facing shores of the Big Island.

Underwater Cleanup Set For Keauhou Bay Saturday

The area has never had marine debris removed on this large of a scale before.

State Issues Record Fines Against Aquarium Fishing Couple

Husband and wife, Stephen Howard and Yukako Toriyama, were ordered to pay fines for fishing and boating violations, which happened last Sept. 15.

VIDEO: Mother/Calf Humpback Pairs Abound in Hawaiʻi

Ocean goers of all kinds are asked to take precautions not to harm, disturb or otherwise disrupt the pairs in their natural habitat. 
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