Moon/Mars Crew Exits HI-SEAS Habitat
A two-week mission to perform scientific experiments and test technological instruments needed for the future exploration of the Moon or Mars was successfully completed.
‘Anemic Galaxy’ Reveals Deficiencies Theory
A team of astronomers led by the UCO has studied in great detail a galaxy so faint and in such pristine condition it has acted as a time capsule.
UH Astronomer Awarded Sloan Fellowship for Exoplanet Research
Daniel Huber is among 126 recipients in the U.S. and Canada to receive the two-year fellowship.
High School Students Awarded Telescope Time on Maunakea
The announcement marks the opening of the program where students statewide will be awarded viewing time.
New International Moon/Mars Mission Launched at HI-SEAS Habitat
A two-week mission to perform scientific experiments and test technological instruments needed for the future exploration of the Moon or Mars will commence on Wednesday.
Telescope Discovers Flare 10 Billion Times More Powerful Than Those on Sun
A Hawai‘i telescope captured the brightest Stellar Flare ever recorded in history.
ASTRONOMY TALK: Dark Energy & Runaway Universe
Keck Observatory is hosting an Astronomy Talk entitled, “Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe” on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019.
Public Astronomy Talk to Explore Early Universe
Learn the latest findings about the early universe and how galaxies, stars and planets formed to create life.
Exoplanets Brought to Life Using Scientific Data and Creativity
The year-long project brings 12 exoplanets to life in stunning detail through photo-realistic imagery.
UH Part of World’s Largest Digital Sky Survey
Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy (IfA), is releasing the second edition of data from Pan-STARR—the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System.
VIDEO: Scientists Detect New Gravitational Wave Source
Professor Ryan Foley tells the harrowing story of how his small team of young, diverse scientists using a tiny telescope made an incredible discovery.
Super Blood Wolf Moon Visible on Hawai‘i Island Jan. 20
The total lunar eclipse will be fully visible in Hilo on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019, beginning at 5:58 p.m. (and just a bit later on the other side of the island).
Birth of Black Hole Captured for First Time
Hawai‘i telescopes help astronomers identify mysterious glowing ‘cow’ in the sky.
Astronomers Uncover Brightest Quasar in Early Universe
Astronomers in Hawai‘i have discovered the brightest object ever seen at a time when the universe was less than one billion years old.
Maunakea Scholars & Mānoa Academy Prep Hawaiʻi’s Aspiring Astronomers
Hawaiʻi students receive world-class STEM learning opportunity through pilot program in partnership with University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa for the first time.
UH Astronomer Receives American Astronomical Society’s Highest Award
Ann Merchant Boesgaard was awarded the 2019 Henry Norris Russell Lectureship by the American Astronomical Society.
Keck Discovery of New Exoplanet May Alter Planet Formation Theory
Astronomers have found a new exoplanet that could alter the standing theory of planet formation.
Science Students to Share Discoveries at ‘Imiloa Talk
The Maunakea Speaker Series talk is free to attend and will happen on Thursday, Jan. 10, from 7 to 8 p.m.
TMT Offers $320,000 for 2019 STEM Internship Program
The Akamai Workforce Initiative is seeking applicants for its Akamai Summer Internship Program.
Applications for Akamai Summer Internship Program Available
TMT provides $320,000 in funding for 2019 STEM Internship Program.