
Top 10 things to do on Big Island for March 7-13: Final Kona Brewers Festival, KS Hawai‘i Hōʻike, YAS Fest, Redeeming Māhū and more

Many of the events and activities around the Big Island during the next week will focus on tradition, talent and taddies. Check out this week’s top 10 things to do now!

Star cluster 9.4 quadrillion miles from Earth gives universe cosmic Valentine’s Day ‘rose’

Image of delicate structure of veiled NGC 2040 open cluster of young stars captured by Gemini South telescope, the other half of the International Gemini Observatory that includes Gemini North atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island.

Top 10 things to do on Big Island for Feb. 1-6: Cherry blossoms, Year of the Snake, ‘Ohana stargazing and more

The winter storm that blew through the state at the end of the week fortunately didn’t blow away or wash out any of the multitude of events happening around the island, some of which are going on right now!

New tool helps Subaru researchers better understand formation, evolution of universe

Called the Prime Focus Spectrograph, it features about 2,400 prisms scattered across the extremely wide field of view available at the Subaru Telescope’s primary focus, allowing for simultaneous spectroscopic observation and dramatically enhancing its efficiency.

Top 10 things to do on Big Island for Dec. 29-Jan. 1, 2025: Whole lot of fun planned to celebrate New Year’s — together

As another year comes to a close, revelry and talk of auld lang syne will abound — reminiscing about times long past for old times’ sake. But no matter what you do to celebrate this New Year’s, be safe, be responsible and do it together.

This month’s full Beaver Moon is last supermoon of 2024

Earth and its constant cosmic companion have their final closest encounter of the year tonight. Moonrise is between 5;40 and 5:43 p.m. today, depending on where you are on the Big Island, but the moon will still look full through Sunday morning in case you miss it.

Fastest-feeding black hole in the early Universe discovered by U.S. scientists

“This black hole is having a feast,” said astronomer Julia Scharwächter.

UH Mānoa: New study reveals methane-rich crust on Titan could hold clues to life

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, may offer new insights into planetary atmospheres, climates, and even the potential for life beyond Earth.

Top 10 things to do on the Big Island for Oct. 24-30: Don’t want to deal with Ironman crowds? Looking for something other than Halloween fun? We’ve got you covered

There are plenty of other events and activities happening around the Big Island that can keep you and the family busy. Check out out top 10 things to do on the Big Island now!

‘Absolutely breathtaking’: Big Islanders awed by partial solar eclipse

Many across social media platforms posted their photos from the cosmic alignment that placed the moon between the sun and Earth, including Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.

Hawai‘i to greet the dawn Wednesday with special solar spectacle

Second partial solar eclipse of the year visible from the islands will already be underway as the sun rises. Get a great picture from the solar showcase and send it to Big Island Now to have it included in a community photo gallery.

Keck Observatory on Maunakea spots biggest pair of black hole jets ever seen

The jet megastructure dates to a time when our universe was 6.3 billion years old, or less than half its present age of 13.8 billion years.

Rekindle your curiosity: Take part in International Observe the Moon Night

The annual event encourages moon enthusiasts and curious people around the globe to come together and learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations and honor cultural and personal connections to Earth’s constant companion.

Findings of outer Solar System revealed using information gathered from the Subaru Telescope on Hawaiʻi Island and New Horizons spacecraft

Survey observations using the Subaru Telescope’s ultra-widefield prime focus camera have revealed that there may be a population of small bodies further out in the Kuiper Belt waiting to be discovered.

Mauna Kea telescope seeks mystery couple after stellar summit proposal at sunset

The sunset summit proposal was recorded by the unmanned observatory’s front door camera at about 6:30 p.m. Aug. 13. The whole engagement event took about a minute or so, and at the end, the future groom stood up, the couple hugged and then kissed.

3-for-1 lunar spectacle rises tonight with Super Blue Sturgeon Moon

Moonrise is at 7:10 p.m. today, so find a good spot to observe this extra special lunar event. After all, how often do we have this good of weather in East Hawai‘i to see the sky from sea level? The moon will be in the full phase for about 3 days, however, so if you miss tonight’s super action, you do have a little more time.

UH astronomers uncover risks to planets that could host life

Findings suggest that powerful radiation —  some12 times stronger than previously thought — could seriously impact a planet’s ability to sustain life.

Potential $85M from NASA for University of Hawai‘i management of Maunakea telescope

The telescope funding comes from the NASA Near-Earth Object Observations Program.

Rare ‘star’ predicted to blaze brightly in night sky will be visible to naked eye

The additional jewel in the Northern Crown constellation isn’t actually a star. It’s the light from an astronomical thermonuclear explosion caused by the buildup of pressure and heat in the binary system T Coronae Borealis, also dubbed the “Blaze Star,” 3,000 light-years away from Earth.

UH-led study finds anxiety, depression major problems in space science community

The authors found that symptoms appear greater among marginalized groups, such as women, people of color and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus community.
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