
Mongoose! The Epic Fail!

Although not native to Hawai’i, the mongoose is well established on Hawai’i Island, Oahu, Maui, and Molokai.

VOLCANO WATCH: Gentle Reminders to All of Hawai’i to Prepare for Damaging Earthquakes

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses the importance of everyone preparing ahead of potential damaging earthquakes in this week’s Volcano Watch.

VOLCANO WATCH: Mauna Loa 1950 Eruption, a Lot of Lava with Little Warning

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses the 1950 Mauna Loa eruption in this week’s Volcano Watch.

What Does Aloha Mean to You?

“After much contemplation, I realized that the word ‘Aloha’ defines us as a people,” Darde Gamayo.

VOLCANO WATCH: HVO Welcomes a New Seismic Network Manager

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory welcomes Brian Shiro, the observatory’s new Seismic Network Manager, in this week’s Volcano Watch.

Crusin’ with Tita Nui to Waipi’o Valley

There is more to Waipi’o then the beautiful black sand beach or the famous waterfall called Hi’ilawe.

LETTER: A Serious Growing Issue

“The question remains how much disasters would it take to snap people to reality that climate change is REAL!” – Tony Abraham

VOLCANO WATCH: Puzzle of the Nīnole Hills Solved

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses the puzzle of the Nīnole Hills in this week’s Volcano Watch.

Pineapples Don’t Make it Hawaiian!

A common joke among local people is the fact that many different foods are titled “Hawaiian” because it contains pineapple in some shape or form.

VOLCANO WATCH: Dual Nature of Vog Results in Air Quality Variety Show

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses vog in this week’s Volcano Watch.

LETTER: Community Meeting Reveals County Exemptions

“I’m still confused as to why the County of Hawaii agreed to issue a private agreement to alter the public area without notifying the public and getting feedback from concerned citizens.” -Ardena Saarinen

LETTER: Community Meeting Will Address Illegal Shoreline Alterations

“Our public resource has been altered, bypassing all laws, without consent of the community.” -Ardena Saarinen

LETTER: Fair Elections

“It’s time for change by allowing the people to control elections we voted them in the first place.” – Tony Abraham

Hawaiian Pidgin English: Wea’ Come From?

Pidgin is a creole language based on many different languages,

VOLCANO WATCH: 8th Anniversary of Kilauea Volcano’s Summit Eruption

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses Kilauea Volcano’s eighth anniversary of summit eruption in Halema‘uma‘u Crater in this week’s Volcano Watch.

VOLCANO WATCH: HVO Geologist Receives Two Prestigious Awards

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory recognizes an HVO geologist who has received two prestigious awards in this week’s Volcano Watch.

VOLCANO WATCH: Mauna Loa, Earth’s Largest Active Volcano, is Still Stirring

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses how Mauna Loa, the earth’s largest active volcano, is still stirring in this week’s Volcano Watch.

LETTER: ‘Monsantoman’ Clifton Tsuji Does it Again!

“What kind of a person won’t protect kids from pesticide poisoning.” – Jim Albertini

VOLCANO WATCH: Earthquake Highlights One of Hawaiʻi’s Most Hazardous Faults

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory discusses how a recent earthquake highlights one of Hawaiʻi’s most hazardous faults, in this week’s Volcano Watch.

LETTER: Give Us a Raise

“Many people are working hard to make ends meet. With increased of costs it’s sad nobody gets a raise.”
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