CNHA to Host Gubernatorial Candidate Forum
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement Board of Directors and Policy Center are preparing for a substantive forum with candidates running for governor.
Kanuha Makes State Senate Run Official
Hawaiʻi County Councilman Dru Kanuha pulled and filed his candidacy papers today…
Lee Loy Seeks Re-Election for Council District 3
Hawai‘i County Councilwoman Sue Keohokapu Lee Loy will seek re-election for Council District 3.
US Rep. Takai Endorses Hanabusa for Congress
Congressman Mark Takai (HI-01) has endorsed Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa in the First District of Hawaii Congressional race.
Special Election for Puna District Held Today
A special election is being held today for voters in the Puna district who were unable to vote due to two polling locations closing due to Hurricane Iselle on primary election day.
UPDATE: Hanabusa’s Special Election Delay Denied in Court
Hanabusa was seeking a temporary restraining order to delay the special election planned for Friday at Keonepoko Elementary School. Judge Greg Nakamura ruled against it.
Hawai’i County 2014 Primary Election Results
The results of the 2014 primary election for Hawai’i County, without the results from Puna due to damage from Hurricane Iselle. Puna will decide who will be US senator due to the tight race between Hanabusa and Schatz.
Special Election in Storm-Affected Puna Will Name US Senator
The votes could make a difference in the US Senate race where just 300 votes separate Brain Schatz from Colleen Hanabusa in the Democratic primary.
UPDATE: Hawaii County 2012 Election Results – Vote Tally
Preliminary results for Hawaii County have been released.
A Quick Summary of “Ballot Proposals” at Polling Booths
There are a slew of “Ballot Proposals” for us to navigate before we can make our escape from the polling booth. We sort through them for you.
Candidates for Election on Big Island Set
The filing deadline has passed, and the state’s elections office has announced candidates for local elections.
Harry Kim to File For Mayor Tuesday
The popular former Civil Defense director who served two terms as mayor said today he will again be running for the Big Island’s top elected post.
Lingle Hosts Birthday and Opening HQ Bashes
Linda Lingle will be celebrating her birthday in conjunction with the grand openings of her campaign’s Hilo and Kona headquarters.
Big Island Takes Senate Seat From Oahu in Reapportionment
As the result of the May 22 court ruling on Hawaii reapportionment the Big Island will gain another state senate seat.