Unemployment Dips on Big Island
Initial claims for unemployment on the Big Island are down 13.5% compared to the same period last year in data just released from the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.
It’s the largest decrease of any county in the state.
Statewide unemployment claims were down just 0.9% with this week’s filings totaling 1,799, compared with 1,816 filings the same week last year.
According to DBEDT, Oahu and Maui counties both saw increases in unemployment filings for this week compared to the same week last year. Oahu unemployment claims rose from 1,025 to 1,050, an increase of 2.4% percent, while Maui claims jumped from 211 to 252, a whopping 19.4% increase.
Both Hawaii and Kauai counties saw unemployment decreases. At 321 unemployment claims, Hawaii County had 50 fewer filings — or 13.5% less— this week than the same week last year, when there was 371 claims. Kauai dropped 11.4%, from 140 filings down to 124.
Unemployment levels on the Big Island are at a four-year low when compared to the same week in June for the past four years. For the same period in 2009, there were 556 unemployment filings while in 2010 there were 408 filings.