
Multi-agency exercise will simulate a search and rescue mission for missing mariners off Hawai‘i Island

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A multi-agency search and rescue exercise is scheduled this week in waters off Kawaihae Harbor.

The exercise will take place in the ocean and air from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the Coast Guard, Hawai’i Fire Department, Hawai‘i Ocean Safety, and the Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources. The partnering agencies will work together in a simulated exercise to rescue missing mariners.

According to a press release from the Coast Guard, the purpose of the exercise is to evaluate notification and response procedures between first responders and identify any shortfalls in communication and coordination during response to search and rescue incidents.

Access may be limited to LSD Landing in Kawaihae while the Coast Guard and partner agencies establish an incident command post at this location during the exercise.


During the search and rescue exercise, multiple agencies’ assets will be launched, and multiple mannequins will be placed in the water to simulate search objects. The mannequins are used to simulate a person in the water. Members of the public are asked not to disturb the mannequins if found.

Assets are expected to include: an MH-65 helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point, a Hawai’i Fire Department Chopper 1 helicopter crew and rescue boat crew, a rescue watercraft crew with Ocean Safety, and a response boat crew with DLNR.

Although people are requested to stay clear of assets as they respond to the scene and engage in operations, members of the public should remain vigilant and call 911 to report any possible distress situations.


Coast Guard duty personnel will not be affected by the exercise and will be available to respond to any ongoing and emergent search and rescue cases.

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