Waikōloa teacher raising funds for trip to Bishop Museum for 14 Global Scholar students
Waikōloa Middle School teacher Sylvie Bright is on a mission to help her 14 Global Scholar students go to the Bishop Museum on Oʻahu to learn about the way ancient Hawaiians used the Ahupua’a system of watersheds — and how that system is still relevant today.
The students’ focus this year is water sustainability. Bright hopes by taking her students to the museum they will foster a love of learning and understanding that looking at the past will help them navigate future sustainable decisions, especially while living on an island.
“For 90% of my students, this will be the first time they ever experience going to a museum, as there are none on our island, and for some, it is the first time off-island,” Bright said.
At the museum, the students will see ancient Hawaiian artifacts; and they will learn about navigation systems, farming systems and water conservation. They also will get hands-on experience at the adjacent science museum.
Bright has raised $450 of a $1,300 goal on GoFundMe that will help with the airfare to take the students to Oahu: https://gf.me/v/c/my7f/first-trip-to-a-museum.
Bright said she had a grant lined up for this trip, but “the rules changed” and she now must come up with $1,300.
“Please help me make this trip come true for my students,” she said.