Resources Available for People Impacted by Severe Weather
With recent and unpredictable heavy rain weather events in the islands, the DLNR Engineering Division wants to inform individuals and businesses that there are many resources people can choose for alerts, tips and overall preparedness.
The Engineering Division is the state agency responsible for assisting with the coordination of the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) between the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and individual counties.
DLNR Engineering’s Wai Halana website has up-to-date information on floodplain management and flood insurance in the state. Clicking on the blog, “Resources for Individuals and Business Affected by the Kona Low Weather Event” provides information on reporting damages to your county officials, information on how to file a flood claim, and other mitigation resources.
Most standard homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flooding. Anyone wanting information on obtaining flood insurance should contact their insurance agent, visit the NFIP website, or call the NFIP Help Center at 1-877-336-2627.
Official DLNR Flood and Dam Section twitter account: @hawaiifloodplan
The State of Hawaii, DLNR Engineering Division’s National Flood Insurance Program’s website:
The DLNR Flood Hazard Assessment Tool (FHAT):
DLNR Engineering’s website providing up-to-date information on Floodplain management and Flood Insurance in Hawaii: