QNHCH Webinar to Teach Stroke Treatment, Prevention
Queen’s North Hawai’i Community Hospital (QNHCH) is offering a free webinar on stroke treatment and prevention.
Officials at QNHCH say every 40 seconds, someone suffers from a stroke, adding 80% of strokes are preventable.
Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity are all risk factors that increase the chance of a stroke. The webinar is meant to teach about the signs of a stroke and what can be done to prevent it.
The webinar will be held Wednesday, Dec. 1, from noon to 1 p.m., and presented by Dr. Kazuma
Nakagawa. Nakagawa is the Chief of Neuroscience Institute and Medical Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at The Queen’s Medical Center.
There is no fee but registration is required by going to https://bit.ly/3CjEXhW. For more information, call 808-881-4607 or email kahuaola@queens.org.