KHS Selling Trucker Hats in Effort to Raise Funds
The Kona Historical Society (KHS) is selling trucker hats to raise funds to support the organization’s education and preservation efforts.
Hats are available for purchase through the social fundraising platform Custom Ink for $25 each and available until Oct. 24. With “History Maker” printed across the front, officials say the proceeds from sales will toward supporting KHS’s mission.
“You help ensure our treasures are preserved and shared for today, tomorrow and the future,” officials stated in a press release Tuesday. “You are a HISTORY MAKER!”
The hats were designed by KHS Board President Lisa Greenwell Hummel and Community Engagement Manager Carolyn Lucas-Zenk. Click here to buy a hat or donate to KHS.
At the end of this fundraiser, Custom Ink will be shipping the hats and sending the funds that were raised to KHS. For more information, call Kona Historical Society at 808-323-3222 or visit