HMC Pauses Most Visitations to Hospital
Hilo Medical Center reports 19 COVID-19 hospitalizations as of Saturday, six in the ICU and 13 in the COVID unit.
A patient who was COVID tested upon admission per hospital protocols and was determined negative, developed a fever and cough, and tested positive 11 days later. The positive result was received at midnight on the morning of Sept. 11.
Contact tracing began at 5 a.m. of the patient’s roommates and staff of who cared for the patient. The patient’s roommate was Rapid ID tested – test results were negative.
Contact tracing of the staff was completed by 11 a.m. on Sept. 11. About 50 staff who interacted with the patient were assessed for exposure risk.
Twenty-one staff and one physician were identified as meeting exposure criteria, were tested, and are at home quarantining. Twenty of the 21 staff tested received negative results this morning, with one pending.
The remaining staff on the affected unit were also tested this morning.
Hospital visitation has been paused in an abundance of caution with the exception for one visitor for OB, pediatrics and end-of-life patients. The visitation will be assessed for restart early next week after all remaining test results are received.