
DOE Seeks to Increase Breakfast Participation With No Kid Hungry Grant

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The Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE) celebrated a new pilot program at Central Middle School designed to increase student access and incorporate breakfast into the school day on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. The program is partially funded through a $60,000 School Breakfast Leadership Institute grant the Department received from the nonprofit No Kid Hungry campaign and a partnership with Hawai‘i Appleseed and Safeway Foundation.

Special guests and community partners join First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige and Principal Anne-Marie Murphy in celebrating Central Middle School’s pilot program designed to increase student breakfast participation.
PC: Department of Education

The purpose of the School Breakfast Leadership Institute grant is to increase school breakfast participation at Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools. As HIDOE continues to develop new methods to promote breakfast, new delivery models will be rolled out at other Hawai‘i public schools.

Prior to the pilot program, Central Middle’s cafeteria usually serves breakfast to approximately 75 students. “Now, with our expanded breakfast service, we’re providing meals for 140 to 160 students,” said Principal Anne-Marie Murphy. “More students are showing up and we’re thrilled to see the positive impact on our school.”

Principal Anne-Marie Murphy shares how the new pilot program has doubled the number of students eating breakfast at Central Middle School.
PC: Department of Education

In Hawai‘i’s public schools, breakfast is offered at all 256 campuses through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) School Breakfast Program. According to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), eating a healthy meal in the morning enhances students’ academic performance, improves their memory, and increases their energy and ability to pay attention in class.


“As a former educator, I have seen how having breakfast plays a critical role in helping students properly start their day,” added First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige. “For children, as well as adults, it is hard to concentrate on an empty stomach. When students eat breakfast and receive the proper nutrition, they’re happier, ready to learn and more likely to succeed.”

Eating a healthy meal in the morning enhances students’ academic performance and their ability to focus on learning in the classroom.
PC: Department of Education

The USDA’s breakfast program was established as a way to ensure that children have access to a well-balanced meal every morning before class is in session. For more information about the USDA’s School Breakfast Program, go online.

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