No Weight Limits Posted for Ninole, Hilea and Waiaka Stream Bridges
The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation advises motorists that the weight limit postings for Ninole Stream Bridge, Hilea Stream Bridge and Waiaka Stream Bridge have been lifted and all three bridges have returned to the unposted bridge weight limit of 40 tons.
Weight reduction signs were posted at the bridges on Hawai‘i Belt Road in mid-February after a statewide reassessment of bridge weight restriction calculations.
Since then, HDOT and federal officials have re-inspected the subject bridges and redone the load rating calculations based on finite element analysis, a more extensive and costly method for structural analysis that is not typically used for Hawai‘i bridge inspections.
Going forward, it will be HDOT policy to verify conservative bridge inspection results that may result in postings with finite element analysis prior to posting weight limit reductions.
All three Hawai‘i Island bridges are scheduled for repair or replacement in the near future.
HDOT anticipates release of the advertisement for consultant services for design and environmental clearances for the Waiaka Stream Bridge project later this month.
More information on the project to replace Ninole Stream Bridge and Hilea Stream Bridge is available online.