Fee Increase for Commercial Marine Licenses
Commercial marine licenses (CML) are required by people who sell the fish they catch in Hawaiian waters, whether they’re full-time fishers or “weekend warriors.” At its Friday, Dec. 8, 2017 meeting, the Board of Land and Natural Resources approved an increase in the annual commercial marine license fee, from $50 per year to $100. The increase becomes effective Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018.
“This was something we really needed to do,” said administrator for DLNR’s Division of Aquatic Resources Bruce Anderson. “The last time we increased the CML fee was September 1999, and our fee is really quite low compared with other states. We’re experiencing losses in revenues because non-residents can no longer be charged a higher fee, due to a court settlement. But our operational expenses keep going up. The increased revenues will help us with our current needs, including support for new on-line reporting and licensing options to better serve the public.”
The new rule also establishes a reporting deadline for dealers who buy marine life directly from commercial fishers.