After Dark in the Park Presents Cliff Fishing
Waves crash as knowing eyes survey the water from a picturesque vantage point atop a cliff. A baited line is lowered into the water as a traditional fishing practice known as kau la’au is resurrected in the hands of Aku Hauanio.
Hang-baiting is an old fishing technique to entice the ulua from the sea using chumming and natural ocean movements to simulate a nice bite for a hungry fish. Ulua has always held an important place in native Hawaiian culture. Pimoe in ulua form, is part of Hawai’i’s rich mythology.
Hauanio will discuss lore and this sustainable fishing practice performed by his ancestors tonight, Tuesday March 13, at 7 p.m. at the Kilauea Visitors Center Auditorium.
After Dark in the Park at the Volcanoes National Park is series of special speaker presentations Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the visitors’ center. Park entrance fees apply, and a $2 donation at the door is greatly appreciated. This donation supports the park’s educational programs.
For more information visit, or call 808-985-6000. The park is located off Highway 11 in Volcano.