Hilo Performing Arts Center Weekend Lineup
The University of Hawai‘i Hilo Performing Arts Department and Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center have announced a performance lineup for the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5.
University of Hawai‘i Hilo Performing Arts Center is located at 200 W. Kawili St.
The events are sponsored by the UH Hilo Performing Arts Department and Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center, UH Hilo Title III Program NHSI.
Saturday, June 4
9–11 a.m.
Presented by Ke Kula ʻO Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu
The relationship between mele and meakanu (plants) through workshops, oratory review and hula presentations under the direction of Haʻamauliola Aiona and Pāʻani Kelson.
Hō‘ike‘ike: Lā‘ieikawai
1:30–3:30 p.m.
Presented by the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
A behind-the-scenes presentation on the research and development process of Lā‘ieikawai, the inaugural hana keaka of the Hawaiian Theatre Program at UHM’s Department of Theatre and Dance, under the direction of Haili‘ōpua Baker, in collaboration with Kaliko Baker, Snowbird Bento and Keawe Lopes.
7:30 p.m.
Presented by Kamehameha High School, Hawai‘i Campus
An opera based on the legend of Hina, the chiefess from Hilo, her sons Kana and Niheu, and her abduction by Moloka‘i Chief Kapepeʻekauila. Written by Herb Mahelona and Eric Stack.
Sunday, June 5
3 p.m.
Presented by the University of Hawai’i at Hilo
The premiere of a new children’s musical where Keikikāne, Kamahine, Kaipo and Māmā, have a grand time with ‘Elelū, Manu, Pōpoki and ʻĪlio, as day dawns. Written by Justina Mattos, with music by Jace Saplan, both of Hilo.