FOLK to Host HWF Biologist for Marine Talk
Friends of the Libraries Kona will host Hawai’i Wildlife Fund’s Megan Lamson on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at Kailua-Kona Public Library. Lamson will discuss marine debris and the fund’s removal and prevention work on the Big Island.
The efforts have been made by the fund to clean debris on the island since 2003.
Lamson is a marine biologist who has been working and volunteering with HWF since 2008. She is the current Program Director for the Big Island group.
The talk will include information about how to get involved in reducing marine debris and threats to native wildlife.
Information regarding HWF’s ongoing conservation projects will also be discussed.
To learn more about the Tuesday talk, contact the Kailua-Kona Public Library at 327-4327 or visit the Folk Hawai’i website.