Attorney General Charges Woman with Welfare Fraud
Attorney General Doug Chin announced today that Honolulu resident Kianna Ah Lee Sam has been charged with theft in the first degree. Sam, 40, allegedly received public assistance benefits to which she was not entitled.
The attorney general alleges that between Nov. 1, 2007, and Nov. 30, 2014, Sam applied for and received public assistance benefits to which she was not entitled. This resulted in the Department of Human Services making overpayments to Sam in an amount exceeding $20,000.
The charge against Sam is brought under sections 708-830(2) and 708-830.5(1)(a) of the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes.
A conviction for theft in the first degree is a class B felony that carries with it an indeterminate sentence not to exceed 10 years, pursuant to HRS section 706-660. The minimum term of imprisonment shall be set by the Hawai‘i Paroling Authority, pursuant to HRS section 706-669.
Sam is presumed innocent unless and until she is found guilty of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.