Public Comment: Mahukona Improvements
A public hearing has been scheduled by the County of Hawai’i Department of Parks and Recreation in order to provide the community an opportunity to give input on the proposed small boat harbor improvements planned for Mahukona Beach Park in North Kohala.
The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 18 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Kamehameha Park Intergenerational Center in Kapa’au.
County officials say representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be in attendance to present an overview of the North Kohala Navigation Improvements study. The engineers will go over the different option for constructing a new boat ramp and breakwater at Mahukona Beach Park. In addition, the costs, benefits, and impacts of the alternatives will be discussed.
All community members are invited to offer feedback on the various options. Following the meeting, the County’s P&R office will review the feedback and determine where or not the project is ready to move forward with the proposed federally funded improvements.
Individuals who may need special accommodations should call 961-8311 before Wednesday, June 10.
For additional information, contact Public Information Officer Jason Armstrong at 961-8311.