Free Farm Record-Keeping Workshop
A record-keeping workshop aimed at helping Big Island farmers will take place at the Kohala Village Hub in Hawi on Tuesday, May 12 at 5 p.m.
The workshop will be led by Dr. Stuart T. Nakamoto, an extension economist at the University of Hawai’i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. He will cover several topics, including getting started with record keeping, organizing farm receipts, papers, and notes, and using a record-keeping workbook to create or modify existing systems.
Loans, taxes, organic certification, or track yields and profitability area all paper work items that farmers frequently encounter. Having an accurate file of records is important when it comes to crop insurance and disaster assistance.
Farmers with organized record-keeping are also able to make better decisions about crop growth and overall operations.
Dr. Nakamoto’s workshop will assist farm owners who are interested in systematic record keeping, or those who are looking to improve their operations.
The workshop is free to the public but pre-registration is required. Those interested should pre-register online by May 8. Registrants who are signed up ahead of time will receive a free binder of record-keeping forms that they can take with them to implement into their own record-keeping systems.
For further information contact, Dr. Nakamoto by e-mailing, or call 956-8125.
Palili ‘O Kohala, a project of Kahua Pa’a Mua and The Kohala Center, is co-sponsoring the free workshops.