State offers reminders for voters ahead of 2024 general election
The Hawai‘i Office of Elections is offering a few reminders for the state’s voters ahead of the 2024 general election on Nov. 5.

You should have received your general election packet in the mail by Oct. 18.
There were 114,385 ballots issued in Hawai‘i County as of 5:30 p.m. Monday, with 3,354 already recevied by the Elections Division of the Hawai‘i County Office of the County Clerk.
The state elections office reminds voters:
- If you made a mistake on your ballot, do not attempt to correct it. Follow the instructions on your ballot to request a replacement.
- Sign your ballot return envelope. Your signature is required for your ballot to be accepted.
- Your return envelope is pre-addressed and postage paid. Do not place a stamp on it.
- Sign up for free ballot notifications online or call 808-453-VOTE (8683) for assistance with enrolling.
- Accessible voting options are available for voters in need of assistance casting their ballot. You can request an electronic ballot or visit a voter service center in your county to cast your ballot using accessible voting equipment. Click here to find the voter service centers on the Big Island.
- Ballots must be received, not postmarked, by 7 p.m. Nov. 5.
- If you do not get your ballot mailed back in time, you can drop them in one of several drop box locations around the island before 7 p.m. the night of the election. Click here for more information.
Ballots are only sent to active voters.
The Hawai‘i County elections office says if you moved and did not update your voter registration, you must do so before you can cast your ballot this election.
To update your voter registration, go online or complete a paper voter registration application available at any state library or post office.
If your ballot was sent to the wrong address, or lost, or you made a mistake when voting, you can request a replacement ballot be mailed to you or call 808-961-8277 to make other arrangements.
If you are moving out of the state or permanently unable to vote, you need to print and sign an affidavit for cancellation of voter record and submit it to the county Elections Division.
If the election is within 7 days and you require a new ballot, you can vote in person at one of the voter service centers or call 808-961-8277 to make other arrangements.
For all official election information, click here or call 808-453-VOTE (8683).