
Final draft of Hawaiʻi County General Plan 2045 available for public review, comment

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Screenshot of an image from the final recommended Draft General Plan 2045 for Hawaiʻi County.

The final recommended draft of a comprehensive long-term plan to guide the physical, economic, environmental and sociocultural development of Hawaiʻi County during the next 25 years is complete, and the public has the opportunity to continue helping shape the Big Island’s future.

Copies of the county’s final recommended Draft General Plan 2045 are being sent to public libraries around the island and available online.

Residents are encouraged to to review the 306-page document and provide feedback through the interactive online platform.

Two in-person public information workshops are also planned for 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 28 in Building A at the West Hawaiʻi Civic Center and 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 29 at the Arc of Hilo, located at 1099 Waiānuenue Ave. in Hilo.


Both will include a formal presentation about the final draft of the general plan.

Online workshops will be available as well. More information will be forthcoming.

The public will have 21 days after the last workshop to share their comments with the Hawaiʻi County planning director.

Once that period ends, the final draft and all public comments will be sent to the Hawaiʻi County Windward and Leeward Planning Commissions. The commissions will then have 150 days to review and provide recommendations to the Hawaiʻi County County Council.


All community members are invited to join in and share their thoughts during this process.

“Sustainability means responsibly safeguarding our environment, resources and culture so that future generations can thrive,” said Hawaiʻi County Mayor Mitch Roth. “The General Plan is our roadmap, guiding us to achieve this vital balance. It ensures that our actions as a community align with our commitment to future generations. We take pride in the work accomplished by our community thus far and eagerly anticipate further collaboration to create a plan as diverse and vibrant as the communities we serve.”

The Draft General Plan 2045 is the culmination of extensive community input and strategic planning efforts to ensure the well-being and prosperity of the county’s residents.

Here is a look at some of the plan’s key elements.

  • Biocultural stewardship: Ensure natural and cultural resources are thriving and sustainably managed, preserved and restored to maintain the Big Island’s unique and diverse environment.
  • Climate change and health: Support a just transition to climate resilience by addressing the causes and impacts of climate change by incorporating equitable climate mitigation and adaptation priorities into policies, programs, infrastructure and decision-making.
  • Sustainable development: Apply progressive land use strategies and place-based practices to direct and manage growth with a focus on providing sustainable public infrastructure, affordable housing, public safety, education, health and social services.
  • Thriving economy: Promote a diverse, regenerative and innovative economy that maintains a high quality of life for residents with a focus on increasing local economic opportunities, maintaining a robust agricultural industry and ensuring a responsible visitor industry that respects the uniqueness of the island.
  • Planning process: The Draft General Plan 2045 was developed through a detailed and inclusive process involving community engagement and technical analysis that included 22 public workshops, 27 community group or roadshow presentations, 47 action committee meetings, 33 county council updates, 7 county council resolutions, 18 public notices or press releases, 37 public agency meetings, 30 large landowner meetings, more than 4,020 members of the public participating and about 7,150 public comments.

More information about the overall planning process, including past drafts, public comments, reference materials, analysis reports and more, is available on the Hawaiʻi County Planning Department website.

To stay informed about upcoming events, progress and the overall process, sign up for the Planning Department’s eNews.

For additional information about the overall general plan comprehensive review process, click here.

You can also visit the Planning Department at 101 Pauahi St., Suite 3, in Hilo or contact the department at 808-961-8288 or via email at for more assistance.

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