
Hilo woman reportedly found with heroin in Lincoln Park

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A Hilo woman is facing a myriad of drug charges after she was reportedly found with heroin near a park.

On May 29, Julissa Herrera, 34, was arrested along with two other individuals after being contacted within a car parked approximately 300 feet south of Lincoln Park in Hilo. Following the execution of narcotics search warrants, Hawai‘i Island police vice officers recovered nearly seven grams of heroin, six grams of methamphetamine, $527 in U.S. currency, over 100 unused zip packets, and various drug paraphernalia.

Herrera made her initial appearance in Hilo District Court on June 3. Her bail was maintained at $210,000 and she was ordered to appear for a status hearing on June 17.


Herrera is facing first attempted promotion of a dangerous drug; promotion of a controlled substance in, on or near schools, school vehicles, public parks or public housing projects; second-degree promotion of a dangerous drug; two counts of third-degree promotion of a dangerous drug; and prohibited acts related to drug paraphernalia.

The most serious offense is first-degree promotion of a dangerous drug, which is a class A felony. It carries a penalty of either a 20-year prison term or 10 years probation and up to 24 months in jail.

Promotion of a controlled substance in, on or near schools, school vehicles, public parks or public housing projects is a class C felony and carries a penalty of either a five-year prison term or four years probation and up to 12 months in jail.


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