Kalani Retreat Center in Pāhoa offers free ʻGrow Resilienceʻ classes

Kalani Retreat Center in Pāhoa is offering a new series of free community classes called “Grow Resilience.”
The free classes will take place every other Tuesday until Sept. 19. They run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center, located at 12-6860 Kalapana Kapoho Rd.
The classes will focus on growing your own food, the importance of native crops and canoe species, and methods for more sustainable living.
ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW ADARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW ADAttendees also can participate in the Kalani community’s Garden Club from 9 to 11 a.m. for a hands-on learning experience that ties into the lessons from the series.
The “Grow Resilience” class series is made possible through partnerships with Vibrant Hawaiʻi and an array of facilitators, including people with the Hawaʻi Farmers Union United network.
Visitors can learn more about the speakers and class schedules as the series progresses by visiting kalani.com/grow-resilience.