Name of captain shot and killed in 1890 to be added to police memorial wall in Hilo
The Hawaiʻi Police Department will hold local National Police Week activities May 15-19 that include station tours and ceremonies honoring officers who have died or been disabled in the line of duty.
A new name will be unveiled on the department’s memorial wall in Hilo. The department recently learned that Police Capt. T. N. Simeona was murdered in a shootout with a suspect in North Kohala on Sept. 25, 1890.
“Back in 1890, the department as we know it today did not exist,” Police Chief Benjamin Moszkowicz said. “Rather, officers were overseen by a sheriff, who was appointed by a police marshal on Oʻahu, who in turn was appointed by the king.
“While not technically a member of the department, we consider Capt. Simeona a part of our law enforcement ʻohana. We are pleased he is finally being recognized and honored for the ultimate sacrifice he made protecting our island community.”
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed every May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week it falls in as National Police Week.
The public can tour the Hilo and Kona police stations on May 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. To schedule an appointment, call Sgt. Amy Omaya at 808-961-2264.
Big Island residents and visitors also are invited to attend two ceremonies:
- May 15, 10 a.m., at the Hilo Police Station
- May 16, 10 a.m., at the Kona Police Station
Both ceremonies include entertainment and a tribute to five Hawaiʻi County officers and one Big Island-based National Park Ranger who died or were killed in the line of duty.
- Officer Manuel Cadinha, 1918
- Officer William “Red” Oili, 1936
- Officer Ronald “Shige” Jitchaku, 1990
- Officer Kenneth Keliipio, 1997.
- Park Ranger Steve Makuakane-Jarrell, 1999
- Officer Bronson Kaimana Kaliloa, 2018
The fallen officers:
Bronson Kaliloa: Hawaiʻi County police officer Bronson and other officers were conducting a high-risk traffic stop of a wanted subject on Highway 11, in the area of Kukui Camp Road, in Mountain View when he was shot and fatally wounded at approximately 9:30 p.m. on July 17, 2018.

As officers approached the vehicle, the wanted subject, 33-year-old Justin Waiki, got out with a handgun and fired multiple shots, striking Kaliloa in the neck and leg. Other officers returned fire as Waiki ran into a dense area of brush along the road.
Kaliloa, a 10-year veteran of the department, died at Hilo Medical Center shortly after midnight. He was 46, with a wife and three young children.
Waiki was found when several of the man’s associates attempted to smuggle him through a checkpoint in South Point. As a member of the agency’s Special Response Team opened the rear hatch of an SUV, Waiki emerged from underneath a blanket and shot him. (That officer would survive). Other members of the team returned fire, killing Waiki and wounding one of the other subjects. All of the subjects were taken into custody and held as accomplices.

Steve Makuakane-Jarrell: National Park Ranger Makuakane-Jarrell was shot and killed in Kaloko-Honokohau National Historic Park on Dec. 12, 1999. A park visitor found his body in a brushy area with his service weapon missing.
Makuakane-Jarrell had responded to a visitor’s complaint of a man with three unleashed dogs. Upon confronting the suspect, a struggled ensued in which Makuakane-Jarrell used his pepper spray. The suspect grabbed Makuakane-Jarrell’s service weapon and shot him several times, including a fatal shot while he lay on the ground, wounded.
Makuakane-Jarrell had served with the National Park Service for 15 years and had a wife and three children. He was 47.
The suspect was arrested several days later and charged with the murder of a U.S. Park Ranger. In 2006 the suspect was found not guilty be reason of insanity and committed to a federal mental institution.

Kenneth Keliipio: On March 27, 1997, Hawaiʻi County Police Officer Keliipio was killed when his patrol car was struck from behind by an off-duty officer Jeffrey Darrow on Volcano Highway, near Mamaki Street, in Hilo. He had just picked up a stranded motorist and was giving him a ride when the collision occurred. The citizen sustained only minor injuries.
The 35-year-old officer who struck his car was arrested and charged with DUI and negligent homicide. He said it was raining heavily, when Kellipio pulled out in front of him and he was unable to avoid the collision. His blood alcohol level was 0.11. In 1999, he was convicted of DUI and third degree manslaughter and received probation for one year.
Keliipio had served with the police department for almost seven years. He was 35.

Ronald Shigeru “Shige” Jitchaku: On May 7, 1990, Hawaiʻi County police officer Jitchaku was killed when he hit his head on the pavement as he and six other officers were breaking up what was described as a mini riot.
More than 200 people had gathered on Banyan Drive in Hilo after attending a nearby rock concert. When a fight between four men started, several other people attacked Jitchaku, a 22-year veteran of the department, and other officers as they tried to stop the fight.
After the disturbance was under control, there was so much confusion that the other officers thought Jitchaku was unconscious due to a heart attack. Jitchaku died in a hospital a few hours later. The medical examiner determined he died from a head injury. An investigation revealed he had been punched in the face and fell backwards hitting the back of his head on the pavement. Jitchaku had three children and was 52.
Blaine K. Faris, 27, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and assaulting the other officers. Before his trial he was sent to prison for violating his parole for burglary. In 1991, he was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 10 years. Shortly after his release in 1996 he was charged with three counts of burglary and sent back to prison. In 2005, he was convicted of burglary, possession of narcotics and several other crimes and sent back to prison.

William L. Oili: Hawaiʻi County officer Oili died on Nov. 19, 1936, in the line of duty while trying to rescue two men from drowning. He was 37.

Manuel R. Cadinha: Hawaiʻi County police officer Cadinha died on March 19, 1918 of a skull fracture after Jerry de Lima struck him on the head with an ʻohiʻa stick while he was serving de Lima with a warrant at Hakalau. De Lima was charged with murder. Cadinha was 42.