Emergency Repairs to Kolekole Bridge to Wrap up This Month
The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation updated changes to the permanent repair plans for Kolekole Bridge, as well as three bridges along the Hāmākua Coast.
Emergency repairs to Kolekole Bridge on Hawai‘i Belt Road (Route 19) are wrapping up this month and the bridge will be returned to the unposted limit of 40 tons in late July. The emergency work included welding steel supports and members, and installation of new end terminals. Future work in the form of permanent repairs and lead remediation at Kolekole/Paheehee Bridge is estimated at $65 million and slated to begin in spring 2024.
HDOT, through the state bridge inspection program, has been monitoring three bridges (Wailuku, Nanue, and Hakalau) along the Hāmākua Coast of similar age and construction to Kolekole Bridge. These bridges have undergone interim repairs this year and are scheduled for permanent repairs over the next couple of years. Details on the planned permanent repairs for Wailuku, Nanue, and Hakalau are as follows:
Wailuku Bridge – Complete rehabilitation and painting. Construction anticipated to begin Nov. 2024. Estimated cost is $35 million.
Nanue Bridge – Complete rehabilitation and painting. Construction anticipated to begin Jan. 2024. Estimated cost is $25 million.
Hakalau Bridge – Foundation replacement for scour, replacement or rehabilitation of columns and trusses, deck rehabilitation, and painting. Construction anticipated to begin March 2023. Estimated cost is $65 million.
HDOT will continue to update on the status of the repairs to the Kolekole and other Hāmākua Coast bridges through news releases and social media.