Hawai‘i Florists to Re-Open in Time for Mother’s Day
One narrow corner of Hawai‘i economy will open on May 1, a full 30 days ahead of the current end to Gov. David Ige’s mandatory lockdown period.
After a discussion with county mayors on Monday afternoon, Ige decided that florists will be allowed to operate “as long as they can do so in a way that is safe for employees and customers.”
This means following social distancing practices outlined in the governor’s Emergency Proclamation.
The decision came after floral shops were declared operational for Mother’s Day, which is May 10 this year, in what Ige said Saturday was a mistake of which he was unaware.
The governor reversed the decision Saturday, saying flower shops would remain closed throughout the month. However, he had another change of heart Monday, meaning moms across Hawai‘i will have a brighter May than previously forecast.