Rainfall totals Mostly Above Average in 2019
Big Island rainfall totals for 2019 were mostly above average.
Data showed rainfall was near above average along the windward and Kona slopes, but below average in portions of the Ka‘ū District and interior sections of the island. The USGS’ rain gage at Kawainui Stream had the highest monthly total of 16.37 inches (122% of average) and the highest daily total of 4.43 inches on December 21. Honoka‘a was right behind with 4.42 inches on the same day.
With an annual average of 2.74 inches, Kealakekua saw 4.26 inches for the year. Average rainfall for Honaunau is 2.8 inches. However, in 2019 the community had 5.4 inches. These recorded totals for the towns are the highest since 1993.
The USGS’ Saddle Road Quarry rain gage had the highest annual total of 171.29 inches (122% of average).