‘SS Missouri’ Stamp to Be Unveiled at Pearl Harbor, June 11
The US Postal Service will commemorate the issuance of a new Forever stamp depicting the USS Missouri by unveiling the stamp during a special event in Pearl Harbor on the deck of the ship on June 11, 2019.
The event coincides with the 75th anniversary of the USS Missouri’s commissioning, on June 11, 1944. The USS Missouri is America’s last battleship.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will feature remarks by U.S. Navy and USPS dignitaries, stamp sales and cancellations, and will culminate with the unveiling of the USS Missouri stamp. Special commemorative cancellations of the USS Missouri stamp will be provided at the site from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The USS Missouri stamp will be available for purchase on June 11 at Post Offices nationwide, online at USPS.com and by phone at 800-782-6724.
In attendance will be:
- USPS Acting Enterprise Analytics Vice President Jeffrey C. Johnson
- USS Missouri Memorial Association President and CEO Mike Carr
- Rear Adm. Brian P. Fort, U.S. Navy Region Hawaii
- Rear Adm. Samuel Cox, U.S. Navy (Retired), Director, Naval History and Heritage Command, Curator of the Navy
The stamp art depicts Missouri in the disruptive camouflage she wore from her commissioning until a refit in early 1945. Missouri earned numerous combat awards and citations during her decades of service, which include World War II, the Korean War and Operation Desert Storm. She played a momentous role when she hosted the ceremony marking Japan’s surrender and the end of World War II.