HPD Collaborates on Pāhoa Beautification Project
On, Monday, March 4, 2019, a nonprofit organization, Malama O Puna, in conjunction with community members, and the Hawaiʻi Police Department conducted a beautification project on the Pāhoa roundabout.
Malama O Puna, led by Rene Siracusa, coordinated a joint effort with Councilmember Ashley Kierkiewicz, community members and the Hawaiʻi Police Department in planting potted palms and flowers that were donated by various businesses and organizations. Siracusa received enough plants to beautify one of the medians and is still looking forward to more donations to complete the project.
This is the second stage of this project. In the first stage; Siracusa arranged with the Hawai‘i Youth Challenge to have a group of students assist with the weeding quarterly.
Parties working on the project received numerous amounts of “good job, looking beautiful, and Mahalo for what you are doing” from passing motorists.