House and Senate Conferees Pass Additional Appropriations
House and Senate conferees passed additional appropriations for the executive branch on Thursday, April 25, 2019—HB116 SD1 CD1.
The new budget process the Legislature has been utilizing this session allowed lawmakers to pass the executive operating budget, HB2 HD1 SD1 CD1, nearly a month earlier than previous sessions and provided time for closer scrutiny and discussion about individual budget items. HB116 SD1 CD1 is an addendum to HB2.
“By passing the governor’s base operating budget early rather than in the dying moments of the session, we were able to engage in meaningful discussions on other critical funding requests,” said Rep. Sylvia Luke, chair of the House Committee on Finance. “HB116 is the result of these discussions and has led to a more efficient, transparent, and productive legislative session.”
HB2 HD1 SD1 CD1 that passed earlier this session allocated $16 billion in operating funds; conferees today approved an additional $10,757,811 for FY20 and $9,045,621 for FY21 in HB116 SD1 CD1.
HB 116 SD1 CD1 Highlights:
Department of Agriculture
- $79,998 to establish (1) full-time permanent business loan officer position to assist with agricultural loans and provide agricultural financial assistance.
- $350,000 for food safety grants in fiscal year 2020.
- $240,000 for agricultural development and marketing for Hawaiʻi specific agricultural surveys in fiscal year 2020.
Department of Accounting and General Services
- $1,038,240 in fiscal year 2020 and $1,263,902 in fiscal year 2021 for cybersecurity capability enhancements by Office of Enterprise Technology Services.
Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism
- $750,000 for the 2020 Census Outreach.
- $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2020 for the Festival of the Pacific Arts to be held in Honolulu.
- $180,294 from the Hawaiʻi Community Development Revolving fund in fiscal year 2021 for the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority for operating expenses.
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
- (5) full-time permanent positions and $584,000 from the public utilities commission special fund for consumer advocate for communication, utilities, and transportation services.
- $200,240 in fiscal year 2020 and $195,840 in fiscal year 2021 from the public utilities commission special fund to add (2) full-time permanent enforcement officer positions and operating expenses.
Department of Defense
- $52,952 to establish (1) full-time permanent Human Resource Specialist IV.
Office of the Governor
- $100,000 to establish (1) full-time temporary State Disaster Recovery Coordinator.
- $150,000 for fiscal year 2020 for protocol expenses related to events at Washington Place.
Department of Human Services
- $20,000 in fiscal year 2020 to establish a joint outreach center in Kāneʻohe.
- $509,448 in fiscal year 2020 and $59,448 in fiscal year 2021 to fund (1) full-time permanent corrections program specialist II and existing juvenile justice reform programs for the In-Community Youth Programs.
Department of Health
- $750,000 in fiscal year 2020 for family planning.
Department of Land and Natural Resources
- $500,000 for the Hawaiʻi Association of Conservation Districts.
- $480,000 for lifeguard services at Kua Bay on Hawaiʻi Island.
- $153,000 to add (1) full-time temporary cultural resource project coordinator and operating expenses for the Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve Commission.
- $100,000 to add (1) full-time permanent Aha Moku Advisory Council Executive Director position and operating expenses.
Department of Public Safety
- $69,540 to establish (1) full-time permanent corrections supervisor I for Kulani Correctional Facility.
- $1,897,827 to add 23 full-time permanent positions and operating expenses in fiscal year 2021 for the Hoʻokipa Cottage at the Women’s Community Correctional Center.
- $2,690,450 for Medicaid fiscal agent and pharmacy costs.
- $160,995 to establish (1) full-time permanent investigator V and funding for (2) permanent criminalist I positions for narcotics enforcement.
Department of Transportation
- $147,321 in fiscal year 2020 for equipment for Kauaʻi highways.
HB116 SD1 CD1 now heads for a final vote in both the Senate and House chambers.