Hawai‘i County Offers Holiday Tree-Cycling Service
To help make the holidays greener, Hawai‘i County’s Solid Waste Division of the Department of Environmental Management will again offer tree-cycling service.
Residential customers are encouraged to tree-cycle at the Hilo, Keaʻau, Pāhoa, Volcano, Kealakehe (Kailua-Kona), Ke‘ei and Waimea Recycling and Transfer Stations, which accept green waste and tree-cycling.
All decorations, stands, lights tinsel, and ornaments must be removed prior to tree-cycling.
Artificial trees, flocked trees or trees with decorations cannot be tree-cycled, but may be disposed of in the regular trash chutes.
Residential customers may leave holiday trees in designated tree-cycling areas (but not in the rubbish chutes) during normal business hours between Dec.26, 2018, and Jan. 15, 2019 only.
Facility attendants will direct the public to the proper tree-cycling drop-off point.
At the Hilo Recycling and Transfer Station, residential customers with only holiday trees for tree-cycling may proceed directly to the East Hawaiʻi Organics Facility and look for the designated tree-cycling area. There is no need to go to the county scalehouse, as is normally required.
Residential loads with both green waste and holiday trees must first go to the county scalehouse to be weighed, prior to recycling.
All commercial haulers or commercial holiday tree collectors must proceed to the county scalehouse prior to disposal.
Commercial customers may tree-cycle at the East Hawaiʻi Organics Facility in Hilo or the West Hawaiʻi Organics Facility in Waikoloa.
Tree-cycling is not available at the Miloliʻi or Oceanview Transfer Stations.
Also, kadomatsu decorations may be placed in the normal tree-cycling areas. Kadomatsu decorations are normally a combination of bamboo, pine and flowers.
For more information or a map and directions to drop-off locations, go online.
For more information on recycling in Hawai‘i County, visit www.hawaiizerowaste.org or
call the Solid Waste Division at(808) 961-8270.