‘Bad Faith’ and ‘Lava Exclusion’ Presentation to Be Held for Puna Residents

May 6, 2018, 6 a.m.: Kilauea’s East Rift Zone overflight. Two homes are consumed by the massive flow, and a third is threatened, as the lava advances downslope. PC: Paradise Helicopters
Kealakekua Attorney Jeffrey E. Foster will offer a free presentation and question-and-answer session for Puna residents on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018, from 5 to 7 p.m. regarding Lloyd’s of London litigation.
Lloyd’s of London issued hundreds of homeowner’s insurance policies to people living in lava zones throughout Hawai‘i.
Despite collecting millions of dollars in premiums, Lloyd’s has failed to honor claims filed by the people who have lost everything due to this natural disaster.
A third lava lawsuit was recently filed agains Lloyd’s of London, according to Foster, who is representing Susie Osborne, the founder and director of Hawai‘i Island’s Kua o Ka Lā New Century Charter School.
She is taking on a network of affiliated agents, brokers and adjusters tied to Lloyd’s of London after the world’s largest insurer allegedly sold her a useless Lloyd’s certificate of home insurance, then denied her coverage after her home burned to the ground, according to a new lawsuit filed by Foster Law Offices.
Thursday’s discussion will cover the “lava/lava flow” exclusion and policy provisions, pursuing a claim with Lloyd’s and other insurance companies and “bad faith.”
The meeting will be held in the Grand Naniloa Hotel Hilo’s Palm Room located at 93 Banyan Drive.