Report of Fixed Wireline Broadband Speeds in Hawai‘i
The Hawai‘i State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Cable Television Division (CATV) has issued a Report of Fixed Wireline Broadband Speeds in Hawai‘i based upon an analysis of data obtained from consumer-initiated tests taken using Speedtest.
For the state overall, this data shows an increase in mean download speeds from approximately 81 Megabits per second (Mbps) to 102 Mbps from December 2016 to December 2017, and an increase in median download speeds from approximately 53 Mbps to 65 Mbps over that same time period. Speed data is also made available in the report by county and by cities for which data is available.
“We hope that policymakers and other broadband stakeholders will find this report, which reflects one method of evaluating existing Internet service offerings in Hawai‘i, to be helpful as we work together to advance broadband access across the state,” said DCCA Director Catherine Awakuni Colón.
“It’s encouraging to see that broadband providers have continued to make progress in increasing wireline speeds,” added Ji Sook “Lisa” Kim, CATV Administrator.
The report is available to view or print on the CATV Broadband web page at: Other publicly available broadband deployment data may be also found on the CATV Broadband web page.