HDOT to Hold Meetings on Transportation Improvement Program
The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation will hold its first round of statewide public informational meetings in 2018 to discuss and solicit comments on the Draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for Fiscal Year 2019-2022 (+2).
The STIP is a four-year programming implementation document that identifies state and county transportation projects, statewide, to be funded, in part, with Federal Highway and Transit funds.
Participation is encouraged as comments received will help to guide the finalization of the STIP.
Hawai‘i Island meeting are scheduled as follows:
Monday, May 14, at 6 p.m.
Hilo State Office Building, conference rooms A, B &C
75 Aupuni St., Hilo
Tuesday, May 15, at 6 p.m.
Pahoa Neighborhood Facility
15-3022 Kauhale St., Pāhoa
Wednesday, May 16, at 6 p.m.
Waimea Civic Center, State Office Building Conference Room
67-5189 Kamamalu St., Kamuela
Thursday, May 17, at 6 p.m.
West Hawai‘i Civic Center Council Building A, Conference Room A
74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Kailua-Kona
Information on the draft Fiscal Years 2019-2022 (+2) STIP can be found online.
Comments on the DRAFT Fiscal Years 2019-2022 (+2) STIP will be accepted until June 18, 2018 by email, mail, or fax to:
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highway Planning Branch
869 Punchbowl Street, Room 301
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 587-6355
(808) 587-1787
To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid or service (i.e., sign language interpreter, accessible parking, or materials in alternative format), contact Highways Division Planning Branch at (808) 587-1831 14 days prior to the meeting date, if possible. TTY users may use TRS to contact our office.