Draft Secondary Social Studies Standards Open for Public Review
The Hawai‘i Department of Education Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support (OCISS), Social Studies Program, is seeking broad input from educators and the public on the draft Secondary (grades 6-12) Social Studies Standards through the end of April 2018.
Click here to access information about the review and links to the draft standards.
This review provides an opportunity for Hawai‘i stakeholders to provide input on the draft secondary (grades 6-12) social studies standards for each required course. The responses will inform the work of the Secondary Standards Review Teams as they update standards through the lens of the C3 Framework for Social Studies, which was adopted by the Board of Education on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015.
Boosting college and career readiness and growing an active, informed citizenry requires a broad range of knowledge and skills. The draft standards will drive high quality instruction through statewide comprehensive expectations of all students. The standards outline essential knowledge, concepts and skills within each required course and provide a foundation for learning.