Documentary Follows Over 250 Top Climate Scientists
For the first time in history, 26 countries participated in a far-ranging environmental research project.
The Arctic Expedition, a $70 million historic documentary film that took 8.5 years to complete, followed the more than 250 top climate scientists and researchers working on the project aboard a 330-foot Canadian Coast Guard ice cutter.
Dr. Gary Stern, a distinguished research professor at the University of Manitoba and a leading expert on contaminants in the Arctic, was one of the principal investigators of the expedition.
“What happens in the Arctic environmentally is the precursor of what the rest of the world will experience,” Dr. Stern said.
“Even though conditions were as severe as anywhere on the planet, working with so many great scientific minds was amazing on many levels,” said Anthony Christopher, the film’s director-producer. “Everything they predicted in 2008 is what our reality is now.”
“They aren’t psychics or prognosticators; they’re renowned scientists, Christopher said. “From the research they gathered traversing the Arctic for 17 months, as well as the immense follow-up lab studies, they predicted massive, specific weather changes that over a short period of eight years have been remarkably accurate. There is a lot more to the story and I really want it to be told.”
View The Arctic Expedition trailer here.
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