
Rep. Hanabusa Opposes Judicial Confirmation of Anti-LGBT Nominee

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Rep. Colleen Hanabusa official photo.

Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa announced that she joined Congressman A. Donald McEachin and 62 of their colleagues to oppose the judicial confirmation of Stuart Kyle Duncan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit because of his history of advocating against LGBT rights.

Rep. Hanabua signed onto a letter, authored by Congressman McEachin, urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Charles Schumer to vote down Duncan’s nomination.

“Mr. Duncan has fought to prevent transgender men, women and children from using the restroom of their gender identity in North Carolina and Virginia, in addition to opposing same sex marriage and family rights in Louisiana and New York,” said Rep. Hanbusa. “His anti-gay and transgender activism is well documented. Because of his history, I do not believe he is capable of managing the work of a federal judge fairly and impartially. I ask my colleagues in the Senate to reject his nomination.”


“Judges must administer justice equally to litigants of all backgrounds and orientations,” wrote the lawmakers. “Over the course of his career, Mr. Duncan’s work has gone far beyond a litigator or academic expressing or evaluating a range of ideas. His fervent and personal crusade to keep LGBT people under the oppression of systemic discrimination renders him unfit for confirmation. Accordingly, we urge you to reject his nomination.”

Duncan’s nomination has been reported out of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary but has yet to be brought to the floor for a vote.


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