Drop Donations for Operation Christmas Child at Big Island Toyota Hilo
Big Island Toyota in Hilo is coordinating another Operation Christmas Child collection this holiday season.
Operation Christmas Child accepts donations of all kinds—school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys—everything from toothbrushes and washcloths to soccer balls and pencils.
Empty shoeboxes and brochures with a list of most-needed items are available now at Big Island Toyota.
Big Island residents are welcome to fill shoeboxes with items for kids and drop them off at designated locations around town, including Big Island Toyota, during National Collection Week, from Nov. 13 through 20.
The filled shoeboxes will then be sent to children in need all over the world who are affected by warfare, disease, disaster, poverty and famine.
From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world.
Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving.
Big Island Toyota is located at 811 Kanoelehua Ave. in Hilo.
Find more information online at samaritanspurse.com.