Kohala Elementary to Offer Pre-Kindergarten Program
The Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL) and the Hawai‘i Department of Education (HIDOE) have selected Kohala Elementary as one of five new schools to offer pre-kindergarten classes in the 2018-19 school year. Schools were selected based on a competitive application process.
The pre-kindergarten program provides high-quality early learning experiences to students in the year prior to kindergarten and is a first step toward developing Hawai‘i’s early learning system. Hawai‘i’s first publicly funded pre-kindergarten program was launched in the 2014-15 school year.
“Through this program, we have the opportunity to empower young children who otherwise would not have access to high quality early childhood education,” said Lauren Moriguchi, EOEL executive director. “This partnership has the potential to shape lives and change future trajectories. We are fortunate to have received funding for expansion of the program and are excited to open five new pre-k classrooms in the 2018-19 school year.”
For more information on pre-kindergarten and early learning, visit Hawai‘i Public Schools.