Brush Fire Extinguished at Blacksand Beach in Pāhoa
The Hawai‘i County Fire Department arrived on the scene of a brush fire in back of 12-4337 Cook St. on Iolani Street at Blacksand Beach in Pāhoa on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 1247 p.m.
The fire was spreading both mauka and makai driven by intermittent trade gusts.
Initial visibility was less than 10 feet. No radio or cell phone communication was available.
The fire was located on vacant lots bordering structures on all sides.
Fire units attacked the head of fire on Iolani Street and defended mauka structures along Cook. St. and structures makai along Kapiolani Street with at times zero visibility.
Nearby residents evacuated.
An aerial survey was conducted for water supply.
The fire was brought under control by 1:17 p.m.
The fire area was extinguished and wet down with booster, forestry lines and foam.
Although five structures threatened, no damage was incurred.
Night watch personnel monitored and suppressed hot spots and flare-ups throughout the night.