North Kona Water Restriction Continues
The Department of Water Supply is reminding North Kona customers about the ongoing water restriction.
Due to ongoing repairs to wells in North Kona, a water restriction notice remains in effect.
Customers are required to reduce water consumption by 25%.
Ways to conserve water to reach the 25% goal include:
• Stop lawn sprinkling.
• Stop car and boat washing.
• Stop dust control watering.
• Wash only full loads of laundry or dishes at a time.
• Check faucets and pipes for leaks.
• Serve drinking water only when requested.
• Keep a container of drinking water in the refrigerator. Use drinking water wisely.
• Do not let water run unnecessarily. Shut the water off when you wash or brush your
teeth. Use a glass to rinse when brushing your teeth.
• When bathing or showering, use water only to wet and rinse off.
• Do not fill up the bathtub.
• Do not flush toilets unnecessarily.
All agricultural users should keep water usage to a minimum. Irrigate only at night from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. This measure will reduce water loss due to evaporation, and minimize water system usage during peak demand.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in using water efficiently at this time.
For further information, call 322-0600 during normal business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.).