Hilo Intermediate Students Win Statewide Video Competition

“Stop Animal Testing” by Tracy Lam was chosen as the winner in the “Mini Documentary” category under the supervision of Hilo Intermediate teacher Arnold Peneueta. Courtesy photo.
The winners of the 14th Annual ‘Ōlelo Youth Xchange Statewide Student Video Competition, the state’s oldest and largest contest of its type, were recently announced from 904 submissions.

“Underage Smoking” was chosen as the winner of the “News” category. The video was created by Tobey Jackson and Tatsuya Koch under the supervision of Hilo Intermediate teacher Arnold Peneueta. Courtesy photo.
Winning videos were created by students who attend public, charter and private schools all across O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Island, and Kaua‘i and Maui Counties.
The seven broad categories of 2017 competition included animation, mini-documentary, news, public service announcement, short, Expert and Junior Expert.
The awards gala was held on O‘ahu at the end of April 2017, when over 800 educators, student producers and guests celebrated the winners and finalist videos.
Students compete in three age divisions: elementary, intermediate and high school. Previous winners and students with professional experience compete in the Junior Expert (kindergarten through middle school) and Expert (high school and college) categories.
Many traveled from the Neighbor Islands to attend and be honored, including winners from the Big Island—including three students and a teacher from Hilo Intermediate School.
‘Ōlelo Youth Xchange judges selected winners based on subject impact and technical production. These panels included local news media, filmmaking professionals and, in the case of sponsored categories (see below), subject experts.
“Underage Smoking” was chosen as the winner of the “News” category. The video was created by Tobey Jackson and Tatsuya Koch under the supervision of Hilo Intermediate teacher Arnold Peneueta.
High-definition Sony digital video cameras (valued at $650 each) were awarded to each of the winners in the three age divisions in the 16 other categories of competition.
Students from Maui High School took the “Expert” category with “Women in Technology.”
Mid-Pacific Institute students won the “Junior Expert” category with “Make a Wish Come True.”
The Maui High School and Mid-Pacific Institute winners were presented with commercial-grade Sony SLR video cameras and 24-70 mm lenses with a combined value totaling over $2,400 each.
Since its inception, ‘Ōlelo Youth Xchange has awarded over 600 video cameras to schools throughout Hawai‘i.
The awards show will be repeated on Channel 53 on May 10 at 7 p.m., May 14 at 10 p.m., May 15 at 3 p.m. and May 21 at 8 a.m. The cablecast will also be made available for viewing starting May 21 on ‘Ōlelo Video On-Demand Channel 52, www.youtube.com/olelocm and on olelo.org/olelonet.
‘Ōlelo Youth Xchange was developed to help give island keiki a voice to tell stories in a variety of video formats and about subjects that are meaningful to them.
In addition to long-time presenting sponsor Sony, the 14th annual ‘Ōlelo Youth Xchange Student Video Competition receives significant support from event sponsors Sheraton Waikiki and the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, as well as major sponsors First Hawaiian Bank, Hawaii Public Health Institute, Kamehameha Schools, Nā Leo TV and Ko Olina Resorts.
For more information, visit www.olelo.org/YXC.
Winners per category in elementary, intermediate and high school age divisions:
“Hop Your Way to a Crosswalk” – Joseph J. Fern Elementary School
“Disability Does Not Mean Inability” – Maui Waena Intermediate School
“Dear Media” – Waipahu High School
“Harness the Energy” – Kainalu Elementary School
“Clean Energy Hawaiʿi” – Ewa Makai Middle School
“Do Your Part” – Moanalua High School
CREATING PEACE (sponsored)
“Inequality” – Pearl Ridge Elementary School
“Respect Women” – Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School
“Stand Up” – William McKinley High School
FIGHT THE BITE (sponsored)
“Pesty Itchersons! Small Pests, Big Threat!” – Waipahu Elementary School
“Bug Off! Dengue Fever” – Niu Valley Middle School
“Stay Safe from Mosquitoes” – Damien Memorial School
“Mālama Ohia” – Joseph J. Fern Elementary School
“Gentle Giants” – Ewa Makai Middle School
“A Breath of Fresh Air” – Moanalua High School
MALAMA HONUA (sponsored)
“How Do You Take Care of Our Earth?”– Gustav H. Webling Elementary
“Mālama Honua” – Maui Waena Intermediate School
“Picture Your Paradise” – William McKinley High
“Honolulu Rail – How Will It Affect Us?” – Maunawili Elementary School
“Stop Animal Testing” – Hilo Intermediate School
“Taste the Waste” – Sacred Hearts Academy
“Hour of Code”– King William Lunalilo Elementary
“Underage Smoking” – Hilo Intermediate School
“Rail Designs” – Kapolei High School
“Cyler’s Recycle Corner” – Nānākuli Elementary School
“I Won’t Be Bullied” – Ka Waihona o ka Naʿauao PCS
“Find Your Lifestyle” – Mililani High School
“Recycle It” – Kīpapa Elementary School
“Mission to Mars” – Montessori School of Maui
“The Bigger Picture” – Kauaʿi High School
“Doctor”– Pearl Ridge Elementary School
“Get an Exam Today” – Waiʿanae Intermediate School
“Got It!” – Moanalua High School
STORM WATER HERO (sponsored)
“Be A Storm Water Hero” – Kainalu Elementary School
“Heroes of the Drains” – Ewa Makai Middle School
“Un-clutter Your Gutter” – Waiʿanae High School
“Taking Assessments Seriously” – Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School
“Don’t Give Up” – Mid-Pacific Institute
“Those Who Don’t” – Waiʿanae High School
THE VALUE OF WATER (sponsored)
“Conserving Water” – Pōmaikaʿi Elementary School
“Every Drop Counts” – liamanu Middle School
“It’s a Rap” – Moanalua High School
TRAFFIC SAFETY (sponsored)
“Family Safety” – Joseph J. Fern Elementary School
“Designated Texter” – Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School
“Is It Worth It” – Henry J. Kaiser High School
VOTE TO RISE (sponsored)
“Vote Vote Vote” – Nānākuli Elementary School
“Rise Up 2 Vote” – Ewa Makai Middle School
“Choose Your Toppings” – Leilehua High School
“Make a Wish Come True” – Mid-Pacific Institute
“Women in Technology” – Maui High School