HFD & Coast Guard Conduct Search After Reports of Flare Sighting
Fire units responded to the report of a flare sighting in waters off Hilo Bay at 12:30 a.m., Friday, May 5, 2017.
Upon arrival at scene, two unrelated groups reported that they saw something in the sky resembling a flare between the end of the breakwall and Honoli‘i.
The U.S. Coast Guard was notified and a Hawai‘i Fire Department rescue boat was launched to search the referenced area, while units on the ground maintained a visual of the area.
HFD rescue boat performed a grid search but found no boaters in distress.
A Coast Guard helicopter performed multiple sweeps from the breakwall to Honoli‘i, returning to O‘ahu at about 6:30 a.m., without finding any signs of vessels in distress.
Contact was made with the owner of the only trailer at Wailoa Boat ramp, who stated he was near Pohoiki and not in distress.