10 Miss Aloha Hula 2017 Participants Announced

Miss Aloha Hula 2016, Kayli Ka’iulani Carr won the 2016 Miss Aloha Hula competition. Merrie Monarch photo.
The Merrie Monarch Festival is a week-long cultural festival that takes place annually in Hilo that honors King David Kalākaua—the “Merrie Monarch”—who is credited with restoring many Hawaiian cultural traditions during his reign, including hula.
The festival is scheduled for Sunday, April 16, through Saturday, April 22, this year.
International, Hawai‘i and U.S. mainland hālau hula attend the festival each year to participate in exhibitions and competitions.
The festival has received worldwide attention and is considered the most prestigious of all hula contests.
Miss Aloha Hula, scheduled for Thursday night, April 20, 2017, is the first competition event.
Miss Aloha Hula is hula’s top solo wahine, or women’s, honor.
In the Miss Aloha Hula competition, originally known as Miss Hula, individual female dancers perform in both ʻauana (modern) and kahiko (traditional) forms of hula, as well as oli (chant).
To see video of this year’s participants, go online.
1. Kapua Dalire-Moe – Leilani Nicole Wilson
2. Kau‘ionālani Kamana‘o & Kunewa Mook – Julyen Machiko Kaloke Kaluna
3. Leinā‘ala Pavao Jardin – Amanda Hiwalei Aliser
4. Nāpua Greig-Nakasone – Miriam Anuhea Kamakanaokealoha Hokoana Arakawa
5. Maelia Carter – Ashlyn Kahelelani Ma‘a
6. Chinky Māhoe – Chelei Kameleonalani Kahalewai
7. Tracie & Keawe Lopes – Ariana Ka‘ano‘ikehaikūlō‘ihia Kaliliokū Akaka
8. Kamaka Kukona – Leila Noelani Ku‘uleimomi Rodrigues
9. ‘Iliahi & Haunani Paredes – Leimakamae Maura Kea
10. Robert Ka‘upu & Lono Padilla – Kelina Kiyoko Ke‘ano‘ilehua Tiffany Eldredge