DLNR Survey Seeks Hunter Input
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife is seeking public comment from hunters on its annual statewide hunting survey.
The purpose of this annual survey is to assist in improving DLNR’s game management in state public hunting areas.
DOFAW manages over one million acres of state land for wildlife-dependent recreation and conservation.
DOFAW’s Hawai‘i game management program provides opportunities for recreational and subsistence hunting of 16 species of game birds and six species of game mammals.
To participate in the survey, go to the DOFAW hunting website and scroll down on the right side to “Survey” (answers are anonymous).
The information provided will be used directly in the planning of upcoming hunting seasons.
“This is an opportunity for you, the hunting public, to provide important data that will be used for decision-making and game program management,” said Shaya Honarvar, DOFAW game program coordinator. “The results of this survey will be published on the DOFAW website.”
Anyone wishing to receive State of Hawai‘i hunting announcements and news via email can go to the same DOFAW hunting website and click on Newsletter to sign up for the free “Go Hunt Hawaii” quarterly newsletter.