Kupu Conservation Programs, Jobs Available for Big Island Youth
Kupu’s Hawaiʻi Youth Conservation Corps Summer program is seeking eight participants between 17 and 20 years old and two team leaders, 21 and over, who are interested in a full-time summer education and job opportunities in West Hawaiʻi.
HYCC Summer participants will work as a team, learning conservation work at unique natural resource management sites across the island, including Kaʻūpūlehu Dryland Forest Preserve with Hawaiʻi Forest Industry Association, Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail with the National Park Servic, The Nature Conservancy (both Kīholo Fishpond and Kona Hema above Honomalino), DLNR DOFAW Puʻu Waʻawaʻa, Aloha Kuamoʻo ʻĀina.
In addition to gaining hands-on job training, participants will also receive a $500 volunteer award and a $1,222 scholarship to use toward higher education or student loans. They may also apply the program toward fulfilling the state Department of Education’s school senior project requirement or toward college credit.
HYCC Summer team leaders will receive $1,000 bi-weekly allowances, $1,222 in scholarship money and may also receive college credit upon completion of the program, while developing leadership, mentoring and coordination job skills.
The seven-week program for members starts June 5. Team leaders serve eight weeks starting May 29, which includes an opportunity to participate in a leadership training orientation on Oʻahu.
The HYCC Summer program ends on July 21.
The deadline to apply has been extended to Wednesday, Mar. 8.
For more details and to apply for Kupu’s HYCC Summer program, visit http://www.kupuhawaii.org/hycc-summer.
Kupu is also offering various year-round Conservation Leadership Development internships across the island. Youth 17 and over who are working toward or earned their high school diplomas may apply for the program.
In addition to receiving in-depth, hands-on training and mentorship in natural resource management, selected interns will also receive $720 bi-weekly living allowances, a $5,815 scholarship and may receive college credit upon completion of the program.
The 10-month program will start in October 2017 and end in August 2018.
Preferred placement will be given to those who apply by June 30, 2017.
To apply, visit http://www.kupuhawaii.org/conservation.