Kona Coffee Festival Calls for Volunteers
The 46th Annual Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, Hawai‘i’s oldest food festival, is scheduled for Nov. 4 to 13, 2016.
Festival organizers are looking for friendly, reliable volunteers of all ages to help throughout the 10 days of events.
Interested individuals, local businesses and community service groups are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Festival volunteers will help in a variety of ways, including event set up, execution and breakdown, survey taking, greeters, traffic control, venue maintenance and cleanup.
Volunteer positions are available starting mid-October and continue throughout the festival.
Interested volunteers are asked to email Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Secretary Jean Kadooka at kadoojea222@hawaii.rr.com or call her at (808) 936-8320.
The Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, supported as a Signature Event by Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, is made possible through the support of UCC Ueshima Coffee Co. Ltd., Alaska Airlines, Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union, Kamehameha Schools, Kawakami Family of Captain Cook Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation, KTA Super Stores and numerous other corporate and community donors.
Visit konacoffeefest.com for more information.