Land / Sea Breeze Weather Pattern Today
Alerts (as of 1:00 a.m.)
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**Click directly on the images below to make them larger. Charts include: Big Island high/low forecasted temperatures, projected winds, chance of cloud cover, projected localized weather conditions, vog/SO2 forecast and expected wave heights.**
Looking Ahead
Light winds are expected to continue through the end of the week, allowing for clouds to build over the islands during the afternoon and evening hours. A new upper level disturbance moving over the state Friday and Friday night will bring another chance for unsettled weather and thunderstorms.
Today we expect mostly sunny skies in the morning with clouds building in the afternoon. Mostly cloudy skies are forecast later in the day with scattered showers. Hazy skies are likely. Variable winds are forecast from 5 to 15 mph. High temperatures from 79° to 84°.
UV index at 11 (“extreme” exposure level)
Variable winds are expected from 5 to 15 mph. Mostly cloudy skies are forecast in the evening with a chance of showers and clearing as the night goes on. Low temperatures from 68° to 73°.
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